Contact to Goszczyn'Skis Hus & Båt AB employees

Do you have any questions about our company's activities? Or would you like more detailed information about the products we offer or to know the exact terms of cooperation - such as costs and lead times? If so, please do not hesitate to contact Goszczyn'Skis Hus & Båt AB employees, who will answer any questions you may have concerning mobile and floating homes, as well as the rest of our product range. Feel free to contact us by phone and email.

Pin mapy   Head office

Goszczyn'Skis Hus & Båt Ab

Vidkärrsallén 6B,
416 75 Göteborg, Sweden

SE 559080-2285-01

Telefon   Phone



 Henrik Anders Djurvall +46707592278 

Jarosław Goszczyński    +48506558412 


Contact form

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